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00001 #ifndef _FMOD_ERRORS_H
00002 #define _FMOD_ERRORS_H
00004 static char *FMOD_ErrorString(int errcode)
00005 {
00006         switch (errcode)
00007         {
00008                 case FMOD_ERR_NONE:                             return "No errors";
00009                 case FMOD_ERR_BUSY:                             return "Cannot call this command after FSOUND_Init.  Call FSOUND_Close first.";
00010                 case FMOD_ERR_UNINITIALIZED:    return "This command failed because FSOUND_Init was not called";
00011                 case FMOD_ERR_PLAY:                             return "Playing the sound failed.";
00012                 case FMOD_ERR_INIT:                             return "Error initializing output device.";
00013                 case FMOD_ERR_ALLOCATED:                return "The output device is already in use and cannot be reused.";
00014                 case FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_FORMAT:    return "Soundcard does not support the features needed for this soundsystem (16bit stereo output)";
00015                 case FMOD_ERR_COOPERATIVELEVEL: return "Error setting cooperative level for hardware.";
00016                 case FMOD_ERR_CREATEBUFFER:             return "Error creating hardware sound buffer.";
00017                 case FMOD_ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND:    return "File not found";
00018                 case FMOD_ERR_FILE_FORMAT:              return "Unknown file format";
00019                 case FMOD_ERR_FILE_BAD:                 return "Error loading file";
00020                 case FMOD_ERR_MEMORY:                   return "Not enough memory ";
00021                 case FMOD_ERR_VERSION:                  return "The version number of this file format is not supported";
00022                 case FMOD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM:    return "An invalid parameter was passed to this function";
00023                 case FMOD_ERR_NO_EAX:                   return "Tried to use an EAX command on a non EAX enabled channel or output.";
00024                 case FMOD_ERR_CHANNEL_ALLOC:    return "Failed to allocate a new channel";
00025                 case FMOD_ERR_RECORD:                   return "Recording not supported on this device";
00026                 case FMOD_ERR_MEDIAPLAYER:              return "Required Mediaplayer codec is not installed";
00028                 default :                                               return "Unknown error";
00029         };
00030 }
00032 #endif

Generated on Sun Jun 5 15:47:03 2005 for Defacto by  doxygen 1.4.3