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Math.h File Reference

#include <Math.h>

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#define PI   3.1415926535897932384626433832795f
#define TWOPI   6.28318530717958f
#define PIDIV2   1.57079632679489f
#define PIdiv180   (PI/180.0f)
#define round(x)   (x<0?ceil((x)-0.5):floor((x)+0.5))
#define GRAVITY   Vec3(0.0f, -9.82f, 0.0f)
#define RANDOM_NUM   (((float)rand()-(float)rand())/RAND_MAX)
#define Clamp(x, min, max)   x=(x<min ? min : (x<max? x : max));

Define Documentation

#define Clamp x,
max   )     x=(x<min ? min : (x<max? x : max));

Definition at line 24 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by OpenGLParticleSystem::drawAndUpdate(), and ParticleSystem::update().

#define GRAVITY   Vec3(0.0f, -9.82f, 0.0f)

Definition at line 19 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by Granade::update().

#define PI   3.1415926535897932384626433832795f


Author: Petter Alstermark,

Definition at line 12 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by Play::bot(), Quaternion::createFromAxisAngle(), Sphere::createSphereGeometry(), Menu::drawFrame(), and Join::update().

#define PIdiv180   (PI/180.0f)

Definition at line 15 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by Play::bot(), Join::drawLevels(), Play::handleKeys(), Join::loadGalaxies(), and Play::update().

#define PIDIV2   1.57079632679489f

Definition at line 14 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by Sphere::createSphereGeometry().

#define RANDOM_NUM   (((float)rand()-(float)rand())/RAND_MAX)

Definition at line 23 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by OpenGLParticleSystem::drawAndUpdate(), Menu::load(), Play::networkLoop(), and ParticleSystem::update().

#define round x   )     (x<0?ceil((x)-0.5):floor((x)+0.5))

Definition at line 17 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by ObjLevel::collission(), Play::dealExtras(), ObjLevel::getExtras(), ObjLevel::getSpawnpool(), ObjLevel::isWall(), and ObjLevel::isWater().

#define TWOPI   6.28318530717958f

Definition at line 13 of file DeFacto/Math/Math.h.

Referenced by Tube::createFlatTube(), and Sphere::createSphereGeometry().

Generated on Sun Jun 5 15:47:56 2005 for Defacto by  doxygen 1.4.3