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Globals.cpp File Reference

#include "Globals.h"

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void initGlobals ()


bool g_invertMouse
float g_mouseSensibility
bool g_fullscreen
bool g_toggleFullscreen
bool g_visible
int g_fullscreenWidth
int g_fullscreenHeight
int g_bitsPerPixel
int g_windowLeft
int g_windowRight
int g_windowTop
int g_windowBottom
int g_width
int g_height
int g_middleX
int g_middleY
bool g_running
bool g_showFPS
float g_time
float g_frameTime
float g_fps
int g_frames
bool g_console
bool g_drawConsole
bool g_stencilBuffer

Function Documentation

void initGlobals  ) 

Definition at line 34 of file Globals.cpp.

References g_bitsPerPixel, g_console, g_drawConsole, g_fps, g_frames, g_frameTime, g_fullscreen, g_fullscreenHeight, g_fullscreenWidth, g_invertMouse, g_mouseSensibility, g_running, g_showFPS, g_stencilBuffer, g_time, g_toggleFullscreen, g_visible, g_windowBottom, g_windowLeft, g_windowRight, and g_windowTop.

Referenced by WinMain().

Variable Documentation

int g_bitsPerPixel

Definition at line 15 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), and initGlobals().

bool g_console

Definition at line 27 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLConsole::draw(), MainApp::handleChar(), Console::handleKey(), initGlobals(), and MainApp::keyDown().

bool g_drawConsole

Definition at line 27 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLConsole::draw(), initGlobals(), MainApp::keyDown(), Play::load(), Menu::load(), Join::load(), and Demo::load().

float g_fps

Definition at line 24 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by MainApp::drawFrame(), initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

int g_frames

Definition at line 25 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by initGlobals(), and WinMain().

float g_frameTime

Definition at line 24 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by Play::bot(), Play::drawExplosions(), Play::drawFrame(), Menu::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), Play::drawGrenades(), Join::drawLevels(), Play::drawParticleSystems(), Play::drawProjectiles(), Menu::drawSelection(), ObjLevel::drawWaterSurface(), initGlobals(), Menu::setCamera(), Join::setCamera(), Play::update(), Demo::update(), and WinMain().

bool g_fullscreen

Definition at line 14 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), OpenGLApp::destroyWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), MainApp::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), initGlobals(), MainApp::load(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

int g_fullscreenHeight

Definition at line 15 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), initGlobals(), and WinMain().

int g_fullscreenWidth

Definition at line 15 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), initGlobals(), and WinMain().

int g_height

Definition at line 17 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLConsole::draw(), Play::drawFrame(), Menu::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), Demo::drawFrame(), Play::drawLifebar(), MainApp::drawLoading(), OpenGLFont::startTextMode(), and WndProc().

bool g_invertMouse


Author: Petter Alstermark,

Definition at line 10 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by initGlobals().

int g_middleX

Definition at line 18 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by Application::captureMouse(), Application::checkMouse(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

int g_middleY

Definition at line 18 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by Application::captureMouse(), Application::checkMouse(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

float g_mouseSensibility

Definition at line 11 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by initGlobals().

bool g_running

Definition at line 21 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by DlgProcSetup(), initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

bool g_showFPS

Definition at line 23 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by MainApp::drawFrame(), initGlobals(), Play::load(), Menu::load(), Join::load(), Demo::load(), and Console::process().

bool g_stencilBuffer

Definition at line 29 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by Play::drawFrame(), initGlobals(), and Console::process().

float g_time

Definition at line 24 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by Console::add(), Console::addEx(), Play::applyExtras(), Play::bot(), Play::dealExtras(), OpenGLConsole::draw(), Menu::drawCreate(), Play::drawExtras(), Play::drawFrame(), Menu::drawFrame(), MainApp::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), Demo::drawFrame(), Join::drawGalaxies(), Menu::drawJoin(), Play::drawLifebar(), Menu::drawMain(), Play::drawPlayer(), Menu::drawSelect(), Menu::drawSettings(), Play::handleKeys(), initGlobals(), Demo::load(), Play::networkLoop(), Play::newExtras(), Play::serverLoop(), Play::setPlayerCam(), Play::setSpawnPlayer(), Play::update(), Demo::update(), and WinMain().

bool g_toggleFullscreen

Definition at line 14 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

bool g_visible

Definition at line 14 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

int g_width

Definition at line 17 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by Menu::drawCredits(), Scores::drawFrame(), Play::drawFrame(), Menu::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), Demo::drawFrame(), Play::drawLifebar(), MainApp::drawLoading(), OpenGLFont::startTextMode(), and WndProc().

int g_windowBottom

Definition at line 16 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

int g_windowLeft

Definition at line 16 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

int g_windowRight

Definition at line 16 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

int g_windowTop

Definition at line 16 of file Globals.cpp.

Referenced by OpenGLApp::createWindow(), DlgProcSetup(), initGlobals(), WinMain(), and WndProc().

Generated on Sun Jun 5 15:47:30 2005 for Defacto by  doxygen 1.4.3