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Menu Class Reference

#include <Menu.h>

Inherits Scene.

Inheritance diagram for Menu:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Menu ()
virtual ~Menu ()
bool load (Application *parent)
bool unload ()
bool update ()
bool drawFrame ()
void handleChar (char ch)

Protected Member Functions

bool loadMain ()
bool unloadMain ()
bool loadCreate ()
bool unloadCreate ()
bool loadJoin ()
bool unloadJoin ()
bool loadSettings ()
bool unloadSettings ()
void menuMainSelect ()
void drawMain ()
void drawCreate ()
void drawJoin ()
void drawSettings ()
void drawCredits ()
void drawSelection ()
void drawLabel (TextureID tex, float x, float y)
void drawSelect (Vec2 pos, float size=10.0f)
void drawQuad (TextureID tex, float x, float y, float w, float h)
void updateMain ()
void updateCreate ()
void updateJoin ()
void updateSettings ()
void updateCredits ()
void setCamera (Vec3 pos, float pitch, float heading, bool soft=false)
bool loadModels ()
bool setModel (unsigned int model, const char *file, const char *skin, const char *avatar)

Protected Attributes

TextureID m_textures [MENU_TEXTURES]
TextureID m_mainTextures [MENU_MAIN_TEXTURES]
OpenGLObjectm_objects [MENU_OBJECTS]
Sound m_sounds [MENU_SOUNDS]
Vec3 m_vCreate
Vec3 m_vJoin
Vec3 m_vSettings
Vec3 m_vSelection
Vec3 m_vSun
SMenuPlanets m_planets [MENU_PLANETS]
SLight m_lights [MENU_LIGHTS]
SMenuInput m_inputs [MENU_INPUTS]
int m_selected [MENUS]
int m_selection
int m_menu
float m_camDist
ShaderID m_shader
OpenGLParticleSystem m_particleSystem
GLuint query
int m_inview
TextureID m_texModels [MODELS]
int m_selModel

Detailed Description

Definition at line 105 of file Menu.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Menu::Menu  ) 


Author: Petter Alstermark,

Definition at line 12 of file Menu.cpp.

References m_objects, and MENU_OBJECTS.

Menu::~Menu  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 23 of file Menu.cpp.

References unload().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void Menu::drawCreate  )  [protected]

Definition at line 846 of file Menu.cpp.

References ALL, Renderer::apply(), Application::camera, COLOR, Application::defaultFont, OpenGLObject::draw(), drawLabel(), drawQuad(), drawSelect(), OpenGLFont::endTextMode(), g_time, LEQUAL, m_camDist, m_inputs, m_inview, m_mainTextures, m_menu, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_selected, m_selModel, m_texModels, m_vCreate, MENU_CREATE, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_MAX_PLAYERS, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_MODEL, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_PLAYER_NAME, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_PORT, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_SERVER_NAME, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_SUBMIT, MENU_MAIN_CREATE, MENU_MAIN_SELECTIONS, MENU_OBJ_SPHERE, MENU_OBJ_TUBE, MENU_TEX_MAX_PLAYERS, MENU_TEX_PLAYER_NAME, MENU_TEX_PORT_NUMBER, MENU_TEX_SERVER_NAME, MENU_TEX_SUBMIT, MODELS, ONE, OpenGLFont::print(), Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), OpenGLFont::setColor(), Renderer::setDepthFunc(), Renderer::setMask(), Renderer::setTextures(), Camera::sphereInFrustum(), SRC_ALPHA, OpenGLFont::startTextMode(), val, Vec2::x, Vec3::x, Vec2::y, Vec3::y, and Vec3::z.

Referenced by drawFrame().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawCredits  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1106 of file Menu.cpp.

References Application::defaultFont, OpenGLFont::endTextMode(), g_width, m_menu, Scene::m_parent, MENU_CREDITS, OpenGLFont::print(), OpenGLFont::setColor(), and OpenGLFont::startTextMode().

Referenced by drawFrame().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::drawFrame  )  [virtual]

m_parent->defaultFont->startTextMode(); { m_parent->defaultFont->print(20.0f, g_height- (g_fullscreen ? 20.0f : 0.0f), "Objects in frustum: %d", m_inview); } m_parent->defaultFont->endTextMode();

Reimplemented from Scene.

Definition at line 548 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::apply(), Application::camera, COLOR, DEPTH_NONE, SMenuPlanets::dist, dot(), OpenGLObject::draw(), OpenGLParticleSystem::drawAndUpdate(), drawCreate(), drawCredits(), drawJoin(), drawMain(), drawSelection(), drawSettings(), g_frameTime, g_height, g_time, g_width, Camera::getHeading(), Camera::getPitch(), Camera::getPosition(), Camera::getUp(), GL_NV_occlusion_query_supported, GL_PIXEL_COUNT_NV, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, glBeginOcclusionQueryNV, glEndOcclusionQueryNV, glGetOcclusionQueryivNV, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, LEQUAL, m_inview, m_lights, Scene::m_loaded, m_mainTextures, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_particleSystem, m_planets, m_textures, m_vSun, MENU_LIGHTS, MENU_OBJ_CUBEMAP, MENU_OBJ_PLANET, MENU_PLANETS, MENU_TEX_CUBEMAP, MENU_TEX_PARTICLE, Vec3::normalize(), ONE, PI, query, Application::renderer, SMenuPlanets::rotation, Renderer::setBlending(), Renderer::setDepthFunc(), Camera::setHeading(), Renderer::setMask(), Camera::setPitch(), Camera::setPrespective(), Camera::setProjection(), Renderer::setTextures(), Camera::sphereInFrustum(), SRC_ALPHA, Camera::updateFrustum(), Vec3::x, Vec3::y, and Vec3::z.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawJoin  )  [protected]

Definition at line 960 of file Menu.cpp.

References ALL, Renderer::apply(), Application::camera, COLOR, Application::defaultFont, OpenGLObject::draw(), drawLabel(), drawQuad(), drawSelect(), OpenGLFont::endTextMode(), g_time, LEQUAL, m_camDist, m_inputs, m_inview, m_mainTextures, m_menu, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_selected, m_selModel, m_texModels, m_vJoin, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_MODEL, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_PLAYER_NAME, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_PORT, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_SERVER_IP, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_SUBMIT, MENU_JOIN, MENU_MAIN_JOIN, MENU_MAIN_SELECTIONS, MENU_OBJ_SPHERE, MENU_OBJ_TUBE, MENU_TEX_PLAYER_NAME, MENU_TEX_PORT_NUMBER, MENU_TEX_SERVER_IP, MENU_TEX_SUBMIT, MODELS, ONE, OpenGLFont::print(), Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), OpenGLFont::setColor(), Renderer::setDepthFunc(), Renderer::setMask(), Renderer::setTextures(), Camera::sphereInFrustum(), SRC_ALPHA, OpenGLFont::startTextMode(), Vec2::x, Vec3::x, Vec2::y, Vec3::y, and Vec3::z.

Referenced by drawFrame().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawLabel TextureID  tex,
float  x,
float  y

Definition at line 1211 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::apply(), COLOR, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, Scene::m_parent, m_textures, ONE, Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), Renderer::setMask(), and Renderer::setTextures().

Referenced by drawCreate(), and drawJoin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawMain  )  [protected]

Definition at line 775 of file Menu.cpp.

References ALL, Renderer::apply(), Application::camera, COLOR, OpenGLObject::draw(), g_time, LEQUAL, m_inview, m_mainTextures, m_menu, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_vMain, MENU_MAIN, MENU_MAIN_SELECTIONS, MENU_OBJ_SPHERE, MENU_OBJ_TUBE, ONE, Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), Renderer::setDepthFunc(), Renderer::setMask(), Renderer::setTextures(), Camera::sphereInFrustum(), and SRC_ALPHA.

Referenced by drawFrame().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawQuad TextureID  tex,
float  x,
float  y,
float  w,
float  h

Definition at line 1470 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::apply(), COLOR, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, Scene::m_parent, ONE, Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), Renderer::setMask(), and Renderer::setTextures().

Referenced by drawCreate(), and drawJoin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawSelect Vec2  pos,
float  size = 10.0f

Definition at line 1240 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::apply(), COLOR, g_time, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, Scene::m_parent, m_textures, MENU_TEX_SELECTION, ONE, Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), Renderer::setMask(), Renderer::setTextures(), Vec2::x, and Vec2::y.

Referenced by drawCreate(), and drawJoin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawSelection  )  [protected]

Definition at line 822 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::apply(), COLOR, OpenGLObject::draw(), g_frameTime, m_menu, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_selection, m_textures, m_vSelection, MENU_MAIN, MENU_OBJ_BOX, MENU_SELECTION_NONE, MENU_TEX_SELECTION, ONE, Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), Renderer::setMask(), Renderer::setTextures(), Vec3::x, Vec3::y, and Vec3::z.

Referenced by drawFrame().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::drawSettings  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1066 of file Menu.cpp.

References ALL, Renderer::apply(), Application::camera, COLOR, OpenGLObject::draw(), g_time, LEQUAL, m_camDist, m_inview, m_mainTextures, m_menu, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_vSettings, MENU_MAIN_SELECTIONS, MENU_MAIN_SETTINGS, MENU_OBJ_SPHERE, MENU_OBJ_TUBE, MENU_SETTINGS, ONE, Application::renderer, Renderer::setBlending(), Renderer::setDepthFunc(), Renderer::setMask(), Renderer::setTextures(), Camera::sphereInFrustum(), SRC_ALPHA, Vec3::x, Vec3::y, and Vec3::z.

Referenced by drawFrame().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::handleChar char  ch  ) 

Definition at line 1273 of file Menu.cpp.

References Console::addEx(), console, g_gameInfo, g_myPlayerID, g_players, g_selectedScene, String::getLength(), Player::getName(), Gne::getPlayerById(), Gne::getPlayerIdSelf(), gne, Gne::init(), String::insert(), SGameInfo::isServer, Gne::joinServer(), m_inputs, m_menu, m_selected, m_selModel, MENU_CREATE, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_MAX_PLAYERS, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_PLAYER_NAME, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_PORT, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_SERVER_NAME, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_PLAYER_NAME, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_SERVER_IP, MENU_INPUT_TYPE_INT, MENU_INPUT_TYPE_MODEL, MENU_INPUT_TYPE_STR, MENU_INPUT_TYPE_STR_INT, MENU_INPUT_TYPE_SUBMIT, MENU_JOIN, SPlayer::model, MODELS, String::remove(), SCENE_JOIN, Gne::setMaxPlayers(), Gne::setPlayerInfoSelf(), Gne::setPort(), Gne::startServer(), SMenuInput::str, SMenuInput::strMax, SMenuInput::type, Gne::updatePlayersFromServer(), val, SMenuInput::val, SMenuInput::valMax, and SMenuInput::valMin.

Referenced by updateCreate(), and updateJoin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::load Application parent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Scene.

Definition at line 30 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::addCubemap(), Renderer::addShader(), Renderer::addTexture(), Application::camera, SLight::clr, SMenuPlanets::dist, g_drawConsole, g_music, g_showFPS, GL_NV_occlusion_query_supported, glGenOcclusionQueriesNV, LF_SHADING, Sound::load(), loadCreate(), loadJoin(), loadMain(), loadModels(), ParticleSystem::loadPreset(), loadSettings(), Renderer::lockFlags, LOG_SUCCESS, m_lights, Scene::m_loaded, m_menu, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_particleSystem, m_planets, m_selection, m_selModel, m_shader, m_sounds, m_textures, m_vSun, MENU_MAIN, MENU_MAIN_JOIN, MENU_OBJ_BOX, MENU_OBJ_CUBEMAP, MENU_OBJ_PLANET, MENU_OBJ_SPHERE, MENU_OBJ_TUBE, MENU_PLANETS, MENU_SOUND_DOSELECT, MENU_SOUND_SELECT, MENU_TEX_CUBEMAP, MENU_TEX_MAX_PLAYERS, MENU_TEX_PARTICLE, MENU_TEX_PLAYER_NAME, MENU_TEX_PORT_NUMBER, MENU_TEX_SELECTION, MENU_TEX_SERVER_IP, MENU_TEX_SERVER_NAME, MENU_TEX_SUBMIT, PARTICLESYSTEM_SUN, Music::play(), SLight::pos, query, RANDOM_NUM, Application::renderer, SMenuPlanets::rotation, Camera::setHeading(), Camera::setPitch(), Camera::setPosition(), SHADER_NONE, SMenuPlanets::speed, ParticleSystem::start(), and TEXTURE_NONE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::loadCreate  )  [protected]

Definition at line 183 of file Menu.cpp.


Referenced by load().

bool Menu::loadJoin  )  [protected]

Definition at line 218 of file Menu.cpp.


Referenced by load().

bool Menu::loadMain  )  [protected]

Definition at line 157 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::addTexture(), m_mainTextures, Scene::m_parent, m_vMain, MENU_MAIN_CREATE, MENU_MAIN_CREDITS, MENU_MAIN_EXIT, MENU_MAIN_JOIN, MENU_MAIN_SELECTIONS, MENU_MAIN_SETTINGS, Application::renderer, and TEXTURE_NONE.

Referenced by load().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::loadModels  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1444 of file Menu.cpp.

References MODEL_ROBOT1, MODEL_ROBOT2, MODEL_VIPER, and setModel().

Referenced by load().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::loadSettings  )  [protected]

Definition at line 248 of file Menu.cpp.

References m_vSettings.

Referenced by load().

void Menu::menuMainSelect  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1128 of file Menu.cpp.


Referenced by updateMain().

void Menu::setCamera Vec3  pos,
float  pitch,
float  heading,
bool  soft = false

Definition at line 1170 of file Menu.cpp.

References Application::camera, g_frameTime, Camera::getHeading(), Camera::getPitch(), Camera::getPosition(), Vec3::length(), m_camDist, Scene::m_parent, Vec3::normalize(), Camera::setHeading(), Camera::setPitch(), and Camera::setPosition().

Referenced by updateCreate(), updateCredits(), updateJoin(), updateMain(), and updateSettings().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::setModel unsigned int  model,
const char file,
const char skin,
const char avatar

Definition at line 1455 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::addTexture(), SModelInfo::avatar, g_allModels, SModelInfo::isSet, Scene::m_parent, m_texModels, Application::renderer, and TEXTURE_NONE.

Referenced by loadModels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::unload  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Scene.

Definition at line 257 of file Menu.cpp.

References OpenGLObject::clearVertexBuffer(), Renderer::deleteShader(), Renderer::deleteTexture(), LF_SHADING, Renderer::lockFlags, LOG_SUCCESS, Scene::m_loaded, m_objects, Scene::m_parent, m_shader, m_sounds, m_texModels, m_textures, MENU_OBJECTS, MENU_SOUNDS, MENU_TEXTURES, MODELS, Application::renderer, Sound::unload(), unloadCreate(), unloadJoin(), unloadMain(), and unloadSettings().

Referenced by ~Menu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::unloadCreate  )  [protected]

Definition at line 332 of file Menu.cpp.

Referenced by unload().

bool Menu::unloadJoin  )  [protected]

Definition at line 339 of file Menu.cpp.

Referenced by unload().

bool Menu::unloadMain  )  [protected]

Definition at line 317 of file Menu.cpp.

References Renderer::deleteTexture(), m_mainTextures, Scene::m_parent, MENU_MAIN_TEXTURES, and Application::renderer.

Referenced by unload().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Menu::unloadSettings  )  [protected]

Definition at line 346 of file Menu.cpp.

Referenced by unload().

bool Menu::update  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from Scene.

Definition at line 353 of file Menu.cpp.

References Scene::m_loaded, updateCreate(), updateCredits(), updateJoin(), updateMain(), and updateSettings().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::updateCreate  )  [protected]

Definition at line 410 of file Menu.cpp.

References handleChar(), Application::keys, m_menu, Scene::m_parent, m_selected, m_sounds, MENU_CREATE, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_INPUT_MAX, MENU_INPUT_CREATE_INPUT_MIN, MENU_MAIN, MENU_SOUND_SELECT, Sound::play(), and setCamera().

Referenced by update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::updateCredits  )  [protected]

Definition at line 510 of file Menu.cpp.

References Application::keys, m_camDist, m_menu, Scene::m_parent, MENU_CREDITS, MENU_MAIN, and setCamera().

Referenced by update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::updateJoin  )  [protected]

Definition at line 451 of file Menu.cpp.

References handleChar(), Application::keys, m_menu, Scene::m_parent, m_selected, m_sounds, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_INPUT_MAX, MENU_INPUT_JOIN_INPUT_MIN, MENU_JOIN, MENU_MAIN, MENU_SOUND_SELECT, Sound::play(), and setCamera().

Referenced by update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::updateMain  )  [protected]

Definition at line 369 of file Menu.cpp.

References Application::hWnd, Application::keys, m_menu, Scene::m_parent, m_selection, m_sounds, m_vMain, m_vSelection, MENU_MAIN, MENU_MAIN_SELECTIONS, MENU_SOUND_DOSELECT, MENU_SOUND_SELECT, menuMainSelect(), Sound::play(), and setCamera().

Referenced by update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Menu::updateSettings  )  [protected]

Definition at line 493 of file Menu.cpp.

References Application::keys, m_menu, Scene::m_parent, MENU_MAIN, MENU_SETTINGS, and setCamera().

Referenced by update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

float Menu::m_camDist [protected]

Definition at line 176 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawJoin(), drawSettings(), setCamera(), and updateCredits().

SMenuInput Menu::m_inputs[MENU_INPUTS] [protected]

Definition at line 170 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawJoin(), handleChar(), loadCreate(), and loadJoin().

int Menu::m_inview [protected]

Definition at line 183 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawFrame(), drawJoin(), drawMain(), and drawSettings().

SLight Menu::m_lights[MENU_LIGHTS] [protected]

Definition at line 168 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), and load().

TextureID Menu::m_mainTextures[MENU_MAIN_TEXTURES] [protected]

Definition at line 155 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawFrame(), drawJoin(), drawMain(), drawSettings(), loadMain(), and unloadMain().

int Menu::m_menu [protected]

Definition at line 174 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawCredits(), drawJoin(), drawMain(), drawSelection(), drawSettings(), handleChar(), load(), menuMainSelect(), updateCreate(), updateCredits(), updateJoin(), updateMain(), and updateSettings().

OpenGLObject* Menu::m_objects[MENU_OBJECTS] [protected]

Definition at line 156 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawFrame(), drawJoin(), drawMain(), drawSelection(), drawSettings(), load(), Menu(), and unload().

OpenGLParticleSystem Menu::m_particleSystem [protected]

Definition at line 180 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), and load().

SMenuPlanets Menu::m_planets[MENU_PLANETS] [protected]

Definition at line 167 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), and load().

int Menu::m_selected[MENUS] [protected]

Definition at line 171 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawJoin(), handleChar(), loadCreate(), loadJoin(), updateCreate(), and updateJoin().

int Menu::m_selection [protected]

Definition at line 173 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawSelection(), load(), menuMainSelect(), and updateMain().

int Menu::m_selModel [protected]

Definition at line 186 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawJoin(), handleChar(), and load().

ShaderID Menu::m_shader [protected]

Definition at line 178 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by load(), and unload().

Sound Menu::m_sounds[MENU_SOUNDS] [protected]

Definition at line 158 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by load(), unload(), updateCreate(), updateJoin(), and updateMain().

TextureID Menu::m_texModels[MODELS] [protected]

Definition at line 185 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), drawJoin(), setModel(), and unload().

TextureID Menu::m_textures[MENU_TEXTURES] [protected]

Definition at line 154 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), drawLabel(), drawSelect(), drawSelection(), load(), and unload().

Vec3 Menu::m_vCreate [protected]

Definition at line 161 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawCreate(), and loadCreate().

Vec3 Menu::m_vJoin [protected]

Definition at line 162 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawJoin(), and loadJoin().

Vec3 Menu::m_vMain[MENU_MAIN_SELECTIONS] [protected]

Definition at line 160 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawMain(), loadMain(), and updateMain().

Vec3 Menu::m_vSelection [protected]

Definition at line 164 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawSelection(), and updateMain().

Vec3 Menu::m_vSettings [protected]

Definition at line 163 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawSettings(), and loadSettings().

Vec3 Menu::m_vSun [protected]

Definition at line 165 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), and load().

GLuint Menu::query [protected]

Definition at line 181 of file Menu.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), and load().

Generated on Sun Jun 5 15:50:16 2005 for Defacto by  doxygen 1.4.3