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GGlobals.h File Reference

#include "Player.h"
#include "Characters.h"
#include "../Util/MilkShape.h"
#include "../Util/Console.h"
#include "../Util/OpenGL/OpenGLConsole.h"
#include "../Sound/Music.h"

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struct  SModelInfo
struct  SLevelInfo
struct  SGalaxyInfo
struct  SLight
struct  SGameInfo


#define SCENE_DEMO   1
#define SCENE_MENU   2
#define SCENE_CREATE   3
#define SCENE_JOIN   4
#define SCENE_PLAY   5
#define SCENE_SCORES   6
#define MAX_LVL_LIST   16
#define JOIN_GALAXIES   6
#define JOIN_GALAXY_ICE   0
#define JOIN_GALAXY_LAVA   1
#define JOIN_GALAXY_PINK   2
#define JOIN_GALAXY_ICE2   4
#define JOIN_GALAXY_LAVA2   5
#define GAME_STATE_END   3
#define MODELS   3
#define MODEL_ROBOT1   0
#define MODEL_VIPER   1
#define MODEL_ROBOT2   2


SPlayer g_players [SPLAYER_MAX_PLAYERS]
MilkShape g_models [SPLAYER_MAX_PLAYERS]
OpenGLConsole console
SGameInfo g_gameInfo
unsigned int g_selectedScene
int g_numPlayers
int g_myPlayerID
SGalaxyInfo g_galaxies [JOIN_GALAXIES]
SModelInfo g_allModels [MODELS]
Music g_music

Define Documentation

#define GAME_STATE_END   3

Definition at line 41 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Scores::update().


Definition at line 40 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Play::drawFrame(), Play::networkLoop(), Scores::update(), and Play::update().


Definition at line 39 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Play::networkLoop().


Definition at line 38 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Play::drawFrame(), Play::load(), Play::serverLoop(), and Scores::update().

#define JOIN_GALAXIES   6

Definition at line 28 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::drawGalaxies(), Join::loadGalaxies(), Join::unloadGalaxies(), and Join::update().


Definition at line 32 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::loadGalaxies().

#define JOIN_GALAXY_ICE   0

Definition at line 29 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::loadGalaxies().

#define JOIN_GALAXY_ICE2   4

Definition at line 33 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::loadGalaxies().

#define JOIN_GALAXY_LAVA   1

Definition at line 30 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::loadGalaxies().

#define JOIN_GALAXY_LAVA2   5

Definition at line 34 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::loadGalaxies().


Definition at line 27 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::load().

#define JOIN_GALAXY_PINK   2

Definition at line 31 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::loadGalaxies().

#define MAX_LVL_LIST   16

Definition at line 25 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::addLevel().

#define MODEL_ROBOT1   0

Definition at line 44 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Menu::loadModels().

#define MODEL_ROBOT2   2

Definition at line 46 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Menu::loadModels().

#define MODEL_VIPER   1

Definition at line 45 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Menu::loadModels().

#define MODELS   3

Definition at line 43 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Menu::drawCreate(), Menu::drawJoin(), Menu::handleChar(), Join::load(), Menu::unload(), and Join::unload().

#define SCENE_CREATE   3

Definition at line 20 of file GGlobals.h.

#define SCENE_DEMO   1

Definition at line 18 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by MainApp::drawFrame(), and MainApp::update().

#define SCENE_JOIN   4

Definition at line 21 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), and MainApp::update().

#define SCENE_MENU   2

Definition at line 19 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by MainApp::handleChar(), Demo::load(), MainApp::MainApp(), Scores::update(), MainApp::update(), Join::update(), and Demo::update().

#define SCENE_PLAY   5

Definition at line 22 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Join::networkLoop(), Scores::update(), and MainApp::update().

#define SCENE_SCORES   6

Definition at line 23 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by Play::update(), and MainApp::update().



Author: Petter Alstermark,

Definition at line 17 of file GGlobals.h.

Referenced by MainApp::MainApp().

Variable Documentation

OpenGLConsole console

Definition at line 15 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), Play::load(), Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), and Scores::update().

SModelInfo g_allModels[MODELS]

Definition at line 20 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Join::load(), Play::loadObjects(), Play::loadTextures(), and Menu::setModel().

SGalaxyInfo g_galaxies[JOIN_GALAXIES]

Definition at line 19 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Join::addLevel(), Join::drawFrame(), Join::drawGalaxies(), Join::drawLevels(), Join::loadGalaxies(), Play::loadObjects(), Join::setGalaxy(), Join::setLvl(), Join::unloadGalaxies(), and Join::update().

SGameInfo g_gameInfo

Definition at line 18 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Join::addLevel(), Play::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), Menu::handleChar(), Play::load(), Join::load(), Play::loadObjects(), Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), Join::removeLevel(), Play::serverLoop(), Scores::update(), Play::update(), and Join::update().

MilkShape g_models[SPLAYER_MAX_PLAYERS]

Definition at line 14 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Play::bot(), Play::drawPlayer(), Play::handleKeys(), Play::loadObjects(), Play::unload(), and Play::update().

Music g_music

Definition at line 21 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Menu::load(), Join::load(), and Join::networkLoop().

int g_myPlayerID

Definition at line 16 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Play::bot(), Scores::drawFrame(), Play::drawFrame(), Play::drawLifebar(), Play::drawProjectiles(), Play::grenadeExplode(), Menu::handleChar(), Play::handleKeys(), Scores::load(), Play::load(), Join::load(), Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), Console::process(), Scores::update(), and Play::update().

int g_numPlayers

Definition at line 13 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

SPlayer g_players[SPLAYER_MAX_PLAYERS]

Definition at line 12 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Play::applyExtras(), Play::bot(), Play::dealDamage(), Scores::drawFrame(), Play::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), Play::drawLifebar(), Play::drawPlayer(), Play::drawPlayers(), Play::drawProjectiles(), Play::grenadeExplode(), Menu::handleChar(), Play::handleKeys(), Scores::load(), Play::load(), Join::load(), Play::loadObjects(), Play::loadTextures(), Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), Play::playerCollission(), Console::process(), Play::serverLoop(), Play::setPlayerCam(), Play::setSpawnPlayer(), Play::unload(), Scores::update(), and Play::update().

unsigned int g_selectedScene

Definition at line 11 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), Demo::load(), MainApp::MainApp(), Join::networkLoop(), Scores::update(), Play::update(), MainApp::update(), Join::update(), and Demo::update().

Gne* gne

Definition at line 17 of file DeFacto/Main.cpp.

Referenced by Join::addLevel(), Gne::aPlayer(), Gne::clientThread(), Play::dealDamage(), Play::dealExtras(), Play::drawFrame(), Join::drawFrame(), Menu::handleChar(), Play::handleKeys(), Gne::listen(), Scores::load(), Play::load(), Join::load(), Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), Console::process(), Join::removeLevel(), Play::serverLoop(), Join::serverLoop(), Play::setSpawnPlayer(), Scores::update(), Play::update(), and Join::update().

Generated on Sun Jun 5 15:47:29 2005 for Defacto by  doxygen 1.4.3