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Gne Class Reference

#include <gne.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Gne ()
virtual ~Gne ()
int init (bool isserver)
bool isServer ()
bool isRunning ()
int setMaxPlayers (int n)
int getMaxPlayers ()
int getNumPlayers ()
int setPlayerInfoSelf (char *name)
chargetPlayerNameSelf ()
int getPlayerIdSelf ()
PlayergetPlayerById (int playerid)
int removePlayerById (int playerid)
int setPort (int port)
int getPort ()
int startServer ()
int stopServer ()
int joinServer (char *address)
int disconnect ()
int sendChatMsg (char *msg)
bool isMessagePending ()
msgstruct getNextMessage ()
void setPlayerPos (int id, int rotation, int move, float x, float y, float angle)
void sendAttack (int playerid, int type, float x, float y, float z, float dx, float dy, float dz)
void sendAttackNT (int playerid, int type, float x, float y, float z, float dx, float dy, float dz, int nt)
void setPlayerState (int playerid, int state)
void setPlayerScore (int playerID, int frags, int kills, int deaths)
void setPlayerActionNT (int playerID, int action, int nt)
void setPlayerAction (int playerID, int action)
void setPlayerDeath (int playerID, int killerID)
void setPlayerExtras (int playerID, int extras, int value)
void dealExtras (int type, float x, float y, int flag)
int setPlayerName (int playerID, const char *name, int flag)
int setName (const char *name, int flag)
void sendInfo (int playerid, int valA, int valB, int valC)
int nextEventPending ()
void * getNextEvent ()
int updatePlayersFromServer ()

Private Member Functions

int addPlayer (Player *p)
int getFreeThread ()
void setFreeThread (int nr)
int sendChatMsg (msgstruct msg)
int sendPlayer (Connection *conn, Player *p)
int sendPlayerToAll (Player *p, int exeption)
int sendDisconnectToAll (packetDisconnect pkt)
void sendPlayerPosToAll (packetPlayerPosition ppp, int nt)
void setPlayerIdSelf (int id)
int getNextPlayerID ()

Static Private Member Functions

static DWORD WINAPI listen (LPVOID arg)
static DWORD WINAPI aPlayer (LPVOID arg)
static DWORD WINAPI clientThread (LPVOID arg)

Private Attributes

bool isserver
bool playerInfoSelfIsSet
bool isrunning
int port
int latestThread
int latestPlayerID
HANDLE hThreadListen
HANDLE hThreadClient
bool * freeSlotsThreads
int * playerIdSlots
Connection ** clients
int * idlist
DWORD hThreadListenID
DWORD hThreadClientID

Detailed Description

Definition at line 19 of file gne.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Gne::Gne  ) 

Definition at line 26 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, connection, eventQueue, freeSlotsThreads, isrunning, isserver, MAX_MSG, msgQueue, playerIdSlots, playerInfoSelfIsSet, and playerlist.

Gne::~Gne  )  [virtual]

if(connection){ memset(connection, '', sizeof(connection)); connection->disconnect(); delete(connection); }

Definition at line 45 of file gne.cpp.

References freeSlotsThreads, getMaxPlayers(), hThreadClient, hThreadListen, hThreadTCP, and isserver.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

int Gne::addPlayer Player p  )  [private]

Definition at line 149 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), PlayerList::addPlayer(), eventQueue, Player::getID(), and playerlist.

Referenced by clientThread(), and listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

DWORD WINAPI Gne::aPlayer LPVOID  arg  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 500 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), clients, dealExtras(), Connection::disconnect(), eventQueue, PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), PlayerList::getPlayerById(), getPlayerIdSelf(), gne, latestPlayerID, latestThread, LOG_ERROR, msgQueue, MessageQueue::newMessage(), PKT_ATTACK, PKT_CHAT_MSG, PKT_DEAL_EXTRAS, PKT_DISCONNECT, PKT_PLAYER_ACTION, PKT_PLAYER_EXTRAS, PKT_PLAYER_KILLED, PKT_PLAYER_NAME, PKT_PLAYER_POSITION, PKT_PLAYER_SCORE, PKT_PLAYER_STATE, PKT_REQUEST_PLAYERS, playerlist, Connection::recieveData(), removePlayerById(), sendAttackNT(), sendChatMsg(), sendDisconnectToAll(), sendPlayer(), sendPlayerPosToAll(), setFreeThread(), setPlayerAction(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), PlayerList::setPlayerName(), setPlayerName(), setPlayerScore(), setPlayerState(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

DWORD WINAPI Gne::clientThread LPVOID  arg  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 610 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), addPlayer(), connection, disconnect(), Connection::disconnect(), eventQueue, Player::getID(), getPlayerIdSelf(), gne, LOG_ERROR, msgQueue, MessageQueue::newMessage(), PKT_ATTACK, PKT_CHAT_MSG, PKT_DEAL_EXTRAS, PKT_DISCONNECT, PKT_INFO, PKT_PLAYER_ACTION, PKT_PLAYER_EXTRAS, PKT_PLAYER_INFO, PKT_PLAYER_KILLED, PKT_PLAYER_NAME, PKT_PLAYER_POSITION, PKT_PLAYER_SCORE, PKT_PLAYER_STATE, playerlist, Connection::recieveData(), PlayerList::removeAllPlayers(), removePlayerById(), self, Player::setID(), Player::setName(), and PlayerList::setPlayerName().

Referenced by joinServer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::dealExtras int  type,
float  x,
float  y,
int  flag

Definition at line 1065 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), clients, connection, createPacketDealExtras(), eventQueue, freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetDealExtras::header, isrunning, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), Play::dealExtras(), and Play::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::disconnect  ) 

Definition at line 728 of file gne.cpp.

References connection, createPacketDisconnect(), Connection::disconnect(), Player::getID(), packetDisconnect::header, isrunning, isserver, LOG_ERROR, self, sendDisconnectToAll(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by clientThread(), MainApp::deInitialize(), Scores::update(), and Join::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::getFreeThread  )  [private]

Definition at line 241 of file gne.cpp.

References freeSlotsThreads, and getMaxPlayers().

Referenced by listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::getMaxPlayers  ) 

Definition at line 139 of file gne.cpp.

References PlayerList::getMaxPlayers(), and playerlist.

Referenced by getFreeThread(), stopServer(), and ~Gne().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void * Gne::getNextEvent  ) 

Definition at line 1130 of file gne.cpp.

References eventQueue, and EventQueue::getNextEvent().

Referenced by Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), and Scores::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

msgstruct Gne::getNextMessage  ) 

Definition at line 219 of file gne.cpp.

References MessageQueue::getNextMessage(), and msgQueue.

Referenced by MainApp::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::getNextPlayerID  )  [private]

Definition at line 208 of file gne.cpp.

References PlayerList::getFreeId(), and playerlist.

Referenced by listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::getNumPlayers  ) 

Definition at line 144 of file gne.cpp.

References PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), and playerlist.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Player * Gne::getPlayerById int  playerid  ) 

Definition at line 164 of file gne.cpp.

References PlayerList::getPlayerById(), and playerlist.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), Join::networkLoop(), Console::process(), and MainApp::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::getPlayerIdSelf  ) 

Definition at line 200 of file gne.cpp.

References playerInfoSelfIsSet.

Referenced by aPlayer(), clientThread(), Menu::handleChar(), Console::process(), and setPlayerName().

char * Gne::getPlayerNameSelf  ) 

Definition at line 193 of file gne.cpp.

References playerInfoSelfIsSet.

int Gne::getPort  ) 

Definition at line 236 of file gne.cpp.

References port.

Referenced by listen().

int Gne::init bool  isserver  ) 

Definition at line 98 of file gne.cpp.

References isrunning, LOG_SUCCESS, port, and STD_PORT.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), and Console::process().

bool Gne::isMessagePending  ) 

Definition at line 214 of file gne.cpp.

References MessageQueue::isEmpty(), and msgQueue.

Referenced by MainApp::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool Gne::isRunning  ) 

Definition at line 117 of file gne.cpp.

References isrunning.

Referenced by MainApp::deInitialize(), Play::drawFrame(), Scores::load(), Play::load(), Join::load(), Console::process(), Play::serverLoop(), Join::serverLoop(), Play::setSpawnPlayer(), stopServer(), Scores::update(), and MainApp::update().

bool Gne::isServer  ) 

Definition at line 112 of file gne.cpp.

References isserver.

Referenced by Join::addLevel(), Play::dealDamage(), Play::dealExtras(), Join::drawFrame(), Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), Join::removeLevel(), Play::serverLoop(), Join::serverLoop(), Play::setSpawnPlayer(), stopServer(), Scores::update(), Play::update(), and Join::update().

int Gne::joinServer char address  ) 

Definition at line 303 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), PlayerList::addPlayer(), clientThread(), Connection::connectByIp(), connection, createPacketConnect(), createPacketPlayerInfo(), Connection::disconnect(), eventQueue, Player::getID(), packetPlayerInfo::header, packetConnect::header, hThreadClient, hThreadClientID, isrunning, isserver, LOG_ERROR, LOG_SUCCESS, PKT_CONNECTION_RESPONSE, PKT_PLAYER_INFO, playerlist, Connection::recieveData(), self, Connection::sendData(), Player::setID(), Player::setName(), setPacketFrom(), setPlayerIdSelf(), setTimeStamp(), and VERSION_ID.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), and Console::process().

Here is the call graph for this function:

DWORD WINAPI Gne::listen LPVOID  arg  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 380 of file gne.cpp.

References addPlayer(), aPlayer(), clients, connection, createPacketConnectionResponse(), Connection::disconnect(), getFreeThread(), Player::getID(), Player::getName(), getNextPlayerID(), getPort(), gne, packetConnectionResponse::header, hThreadTCP, idlist, PlayerList::isNotFull(), latestPlayerID, latestThread, LOG_ERROR, PKT_CONNECTION_REQUEST, PKT_PLAYER_INFO, playerlist, Connection::recieveData(), removePlayerById(), self, Connection::sendData(), sendPlayerToAll(), Player::setID(), Player::setName(), setPacketFrom(), setTimeStamp(), VERSION_ID, and Connection::waitForConnection().

Referenced by startServer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::nextEventPending  ) 

Definition at line 1125 of file gne.cpp.

References eventQueue, and EventQueue::getType().

Referenced by Play::networkLoop(), Join::networkLoop(), and Scores::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::removePlayerById int  playerid  ) 

Definition at line 156 of file gne.cpp.

References isrunning, playerlist, and PlayerList::removePlayerById().

Referenced by aPlayer(), clientThread(), and listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::sendAttack int  playerid,
int  type,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  dx,
float  dy,
float  dz

Definition at line 950 of file gne.cpp.

References sendAttackNT().

Referenced by Play::handleKeys().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::sendAttackNT int  playerid,
int  type,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  dx,
float  dy,
float  dz,
int  nt

Definition at line 913 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, connection, createPacketAttack(), freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetAttack::header, idlist, isrunning, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), and sendAttack().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::sendChatMsg char msg  ) 

Definition at line 755 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, connection, createPacketChatMsg(), freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetChatMsg::header, isserver, LOG_ERROR, msgQueue, MessageQueue::newMessage(), playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::sendChatMsg msgstruct  msg  )  [private]

Definition at line 781 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, connection, createPacketChatMsg(), freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetChatMsg::header, isserver, LOG_ERROR, msgstruct::msg, msgstruct::playerid, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), and Console::process().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::sendDisconnectToAll packetDisconnect  pkt  )  [private]

Definition at line 807 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetDisconnect::header, isserver, LOG_ERROR, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), and disconnect().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::sendInfo int  playerid,
int  valA,
int  valB,
int  valC

Definition at line 934 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, createPacketInfo(), Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetInfo::header, idlist, isrunning, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by Join::networkLoop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::sendPlayer Connection conn,
Player p

Definition at line 832 of file gne.cpp.

References createPacketPlayerInfo(), Player::getID(), Player::getName(), packetPlayerInfo::header, LOG_ERROR, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), and sendPlayerToAll().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::sendPlayerPosToAll packetPlayerPosition  ppp,
int  nt

Definition at line 898 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetPlayerPosition::header, idlist, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::sendPlayerToAll Player p,
int  exeption

Definition at line 846 of file gne.cpp.

References freeSlotsThreads, PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), LOG_ERROR, playerlist, and sendPlayer().

Referenced by listen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setFreeThread int  nr  )  [private]

Definition at line 253 of file gne.cpp.

References freeSlotsThreads.

Referenced by aPlayer().

int Gne::setMaxPlayers int  n  ) 

Definition at line 121 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, freeSlotsThreads, hThreadTCP, idlist, isrunning, LOG_SUCCESS, playerlist, and PlayerList::setMaxPlayers().

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), and Console::process().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::setName const char name,
int  flag

Definition at line 1120 of file gne.cpp.

References setPlayerName().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerAction int  playerID,
int  action

Definition at line 1017 of file gne.cpp.

References setPlayerActionNT().

Referenced by aPlayer(), Play::serverLoop(), and Play::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerActionNT int  playerID,
int  action,
int  nt

Definition at line 995 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), clients, connection, createPacketPlayerAction(), eventQueue, freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetPlayerAction::header, isrunning, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by setPlayerAction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerDeath int  playerID,
int  killerID

Definition at line 1023 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), clients, connection, createPacketPlayerKilled(), eventQueue, freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetPlayerKilled::header, isrunning, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), and Play::dealDamage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerExtras int  playerID,
int  extras,
int  value

Definition at line 1044 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), clients, connection, createPacketPlayerExtras(), eventQueue, freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetPlayerExtras::header, isrunning, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by Join::addLevel(), aPlayer(), Play::handleKeys(), Join::load(), Join::removeLevel(), Play::serverLoop(), Scores::update(), Play::update(), and Join::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerIdSelf int  id  )  [private]

Definition at line 188 of file gne.cpp.

Referenced by joinServer().

int Gne::setPlayerInfoSelf char name  ) 

Definition at line 172 of file gne.cpp.

References isserver, LOG_ERROR, and playerInfoSelfIsSet.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), and Console::process().

int Gne::setPlayerName int  playerID,
const char name,
int  flag

Definition at line 1087 of file gne.cpp.

References EventQueue::addLast(), clients, connection, createPacketPlayerName(), eventQueue, freeSlotsThreads, PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), getPlayerIdSelf(), packetPlayerName::header, isrunning, isserver, LOG_ERROR, playerlist, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), and setName().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerPos int  id,
int  rotation,
int  move,
float  x,
float  y,
float  angle

Definition at line 878 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, connection, createPacketPlayerPosition(), freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetPlayerPosition::header, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by Play::handleKeys(), and Play::serverLoop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerScore int  playerID,
int  frags,
int  kills,
int  deaths

Definition at line 975 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, connection, createPacketPlayerScore(), freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetPlayerScore::header, isrunning, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), and Play::networkLoop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Gne::setPlayerState int  playerid,
int  state

Definition at line 955 of file gne.cpp.

References clients, connection, createPacketPlayerState(), freeSlotsThreads, Player::getID(), PlayerList::getNumPlayers(), packetPlayerState::header, isrunning, isserver, playerlist, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by aPlayer(), Scores::load(), Play::load(), Join::load(), Join::networkLoop(), Play::setSpawnPlayer(), and Scores::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::setPort int  port  ) 

Definition at line 226 of file gne.cpp.

References LOG_ERROR, and LOG_SUCCESS.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar().

int Gne::startServer  ) 

Definition at line 258 of file gne.cpp.

References hThreadListen, hThreadListenID, isrunning, isserver, listen(), and LOG_ERROR.

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), and Console::process().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::stopServer  ) 

Definition at line 278 of file gne.cpp.

References connection, Connection::disconnect(), freeSlotsThreads, getMaxPlayers(), hThreadClient, hThreadListen, hThreadTCP, isrunning, isRunning(), and isServer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Gne::updatePlayersFromServer  ) 

Definition at line 862 of file gne.cpp.

References connection, createPacketRequestAllPlayersInfo(), Player::getID(), packetRequestAllPlayersInfo::header, isserver, self, Connection::sendData(), setPacketFrom(), and setTimeStamp().

Referenced by Menu::handleChar(), and Console::process().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

Connection** Gne::clients [private]

Definition at line 39 of file gne.h.

Referenced by aPlayer(), dealExtras(), Gne(), listen(), sendAttackNT(), sendChatMsg(), sendDisconnectToAll(), sendInfo(), sendPlayerPosToAll(), setMaxPlayers(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), setPlayerName(), setPlayerPos(), setPlayerScore(), and setPlayerState().

Connection* Gne::connection [private]

Definition at line 38 of file gne.h.

Referenced by clientThread(), dealExtras(), disconnect(), Gne(), joinServer(), listen(), sendAttackNT(), sendChatMsg(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), setPlayerName(), setPlayerPos(), setPlayerScore(), setPlayerState(), stopServer(), and updatePlayersFromServer().

EventQueue* Gne::eventQueue [private]

Definition at line 28 of file gne.h.

Referenced by addPlayer(), aPlayer(), clientThread(), dealExtras(), getNextEvent(), Gne(), joinServer(), nextEventPending(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), and setPlayerName().

bool* Gne::freeSlotsThreads [private]

Definition at line 35 of file gne.h.

Referenced by dealExtras(), getFreeThread(), Gne(), sendAttackNT(), sendChatMsg(), sendDisconnectToAll(), sendPlayerPosToAll(), sendPlayerToAll(), setFreeThread(), setMaxPlayers(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), setPlayerName(), setPlayerPos(), setPlayerScore(), setPlayerState(), stopServer(), and ~Gne().

HANDLE Gne::hThreadClient [private]

Definition at line 33 of file gne.h.

Referenced by joinServer(), stopServer(), and ~Gne().

DWORD Gne::hThreadClientID [private]

Definition at line 43 of file gne.h.

Referenced by joinServer().

HANDLE Gne::hThreadListen [private]

Definition at line 32 of file gne.h.

Referenced by startServer(), stopServer(), and ~Gne().

DWORD Gne::hThreadListenID [private]

Definition at line 42 of file gne.h.

Referenced by startServer().

HANDLE* Gne::hThreadTCP [private]

Definition at line 34 of file gne.h.

Referenced by listen(), setMaxPlayers(), stopServer(), and ~Gne().

int* Gne::idlist [private]

Definition at line 40 of file gne.h.

Referenced by listen(), sendAttackNT(), sendInfo(), sendPlayerPosToAll(), and setMaxPlayers().

bool Gne::isrunning [private]

Definition at line 23 of file gne.h.

Referenced by dealExtras(), disconnect(), Gne(), init(), isRunning(), joinServer(), removePlayerById(), sendAttackNT(), sendInfo(), setMaxPlayers(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), setPlayerName(), setPlayerScore(), setPlayerState(), startServer(), and stopServer().

bool Gne::isserver [private]

Definition at line 21 of file gne.h.

Referenced by dealExtras(), disconnect(), Gne(), isServer(), joinServer(), sendAttackNT(), sendChatMsg(), sendDisconnectToAll(), sendPlayerPosToAll(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), setPlayerInfoSelf(), setPlayerName(), setPlayerPos(), setPlayerScore(), setPlayerState(), startServer(), updatePlayersFromServer(), and ~Gne().

int Gne::latestPlayerID [private]

Definition at line 26 of file gne.h.

Referenced by aPlayer(), and listen().

int Gne::latestThread [private]

Definition at line 25 of file gne.h.

Referenced by aPlayer(), and listen().

MessageQueue* Gne::msgQueue [private]

Definition at line 27 of file gne.h.

Referenced by aPlayer(), clientThread(), getNextMessage(), Gne(), isMessagePending(), and sendChatMsg().

int* Gne::playerIdSlots [private]

Definition at line 36 of file gne.h.

Referenced by Gne().

bool Gne::playerInfoSelfIsSet [private]

Definition at line 22 of file gne.h.

Referenced by getPlayerIdSelf(), getPlayerNameSelf(), Gne(), and setPlayerInfoSelf().

PlayerList* Gne::playerlist [private]

Definition at line 30 of file gne.h.

Referenced by addPlayer(), aPlayer(), clientThread(), dealExtras(), getMaxPlayers(), getNextPlayerID(), getNumPlayers(), getPlayerById(), Gne(), joinServer(), listen(), removePlayerById(), sendAttackNT(), sendChatMsg(), sendDisconnectToAll(), sendInfo(), sendPlayerPosToAll(), sendPlayerToAll(), setMaxPlayers(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), setPlayerName(), setPlayerPos(), setPlayerScore(), and setPlayerState().

int Gne::port [private]

Definition at line 24 of file gne.h.

Referenced by getPort(), and init().

Player* Gne::self [private]

Definition at line 31 of file gne.h.

Referenced by clientThread(), dealExtras(), disconnect(), joinServer(), listen(), sendAttackNT(), sendChatMsg(), sendDisconnectToAll(), sendInfo(), sendPlayer(), sendPlayerPosToAll(), setPlayerActionNT(), setPlayerDeath(), setPlayerExtras(), setPlayerPos(), setPlayerScore(), setPlayerState(), and updatePlayersFromServer().

Generated on Sun Jun 5 15:49:47 2005 for Defacto by  doxygen 1.4.3